Platform Features
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Billing section is a place where you will find all billing entries that are taking place in your organisation. At start this section looks like that

But when you will start using it it will look like that:

On the list you will find all the records that were created.
But what is the billing record, well it's a record of everything you charge your client for. It can be as simple as membership fee but also a detailed information about car parts you sold to a client. So billing records are representing a history of all things you sold to a client. Every single billing record is connected or will be connected with a generated invoice, depend on your system settings The generated invoice based on billing records can be connected with one or more records. "or will be connected". That's because the invoice can be generated instantly or it can be generated when your company billing cycle date will come.

Imagine that with this simple explanation story: You run a shop, a client come to your place and buy something, he pays and you give him a receipt. Next day the other client will come to you, your trusted client. You will give him the things he wants, but you have an agreement that you summarise everything at the end of the month and give him one receipt. That's the difference between noting everything on the billing record and creating instant invoices
Let's try to explain it with help of different scenarios:
This is the simplest way of using the billing system. You can create an invoice in two ways:
By selecting "invoice immediately" when adding a billing record

Simply by creating an invoice:

Both ways will add a record to a billing history.

At the end when you use this strategy the system will create an invoice with billing records as different items on it just like that:

This strategy is little bit different. It allows you to note in form of billing records what client acquired from you, but the invoice will be created at the end of a month (or whatever you set it your billing cycle settings)
Let's say that you added a billing records like that:
- - Tuition 20th of March $199
- - Food 15th of March $99
- - Trip to Museum 14th of March $39
And your billing cycle date is 3rd of every month. The system will generate the following invoice

Let's talk about the construction of the billing record. You can enter billing record by clicking details next to a line you want to see:

On the billing record card you will see important informations about it:
- - A client info
- - A billing date
- - Who add it
- - To which invoice it was attached
the above screen show you the record that was added to an invoice and client pays for it. But how it looks when you just add a record which was not used for any invoice:

You can now see the difference. You will not find here any information about the attached invoice, a payment status is set to unpaid and there are no payment records.
To understand how payments works please read a Payment section
Billing records have two major statuses:
- - Free, which means that record was never used for any invoice
- - invoices , which means that record was attached to an invoice
If the billing record is invoices you can't delete it without deleting an invoice first.
So the billing records can be added manually by you or your team members ad a primary option. They also can be added automatically with use of Cycle or API, however we will focus on adding them manually here.

First thing you need to do is to select the Client. If the client do not exists you can enter new client details. When you select a client you're able to select sub-client (which is optional).
Sub-clients are necessary for many billing needs. They represent the end beneficial of the payment. For example if you run a pre-school this can be son, daughter or if you run a business a name of your employee. It's up to you how you will use it, but you will know that this payment record is connected with someone. In the example above, with Marta Stewart Daughter
Next you need to add the records about the things you sold to that client with a value.
When you start typing and you have created templates you can use them here for automatically finding a right price. Check out templates section
The Status of a record is important. As you see above it is set to unpaid, which is a standard status for almost all cases. But there are situations where clients will pay you something in advance for the service. For example someone is renting from you something and you tell them that in this specific case they need to pay upfront or you want 50% and the rest will be paid when invoice will be created.
As you see you can set the status to paid and enter the payment amount.
If you enter here that client paid for that thing now, when invoice will be created the client will receive the invoice with PAID ALREADY status. If you will enter here for example a half of the payment the client will receive an invoice with obligation to pay THE OTHER HALF.
When you do that and invoice will be created then the client will not be forced to pay for the amount of money he pays upfront.